My official students/student co-authors and where they are/have been:

Undergraduate Students

Qinxiang Cao (PhD @Department of Computer Science, Princeton University, now AP@SJTU)

Tingxiang Zou (PhD@Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Lyon, now Postdoc @University of Münster)

Shihao Xiong (PhD@Department of Mathematics, Cornell University)

Yifeng Ding (PhD@Logic group, UC Berkeley, now AP@PKU)

Tao Gu (PhD@Department of Computer Science, UCL, now Postdoc@UCL)

Zhouhang Zhou (CMU)

Cheng Liao (ILLC, University of Amsterdam, now PhD@Notre Dame)  Excellent Beijing undergraduate thesis award

Xinyu Wang (JAIST, Japan)

Yunsong Wang (ILLC, University of Amsterdam, Now PhD student@PKU)

Yilun Wang (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)

Wen Tang (master student@Peking University)

Zilu Wang (master student@Peking University)

Yuanzhe Yang (master student@Peking University). Excellent Beijing undergraduate thesis award


Graduate Students:

Master students:

Xi Chen (exchange@HKUST, Hong Kong, now@中关村易创)

Tszyuen Lau (studied as PhD student@Utrecht University)

Kai Li (exchange@CWI, Amsterdam, now AP@Shanxi University)

Chao Xu (exchange @TU Dresden, now Assoc. prof@Shanxi University)

Dazhu Li (PhD student @Tsinghua University/University of Amsterdam, now Assoc. Prof @Institute of Philosophy, CAS)

Yingying Cheng (@中央文献研究室)

Xingchi Su (PhD student@University of Groningen, Now @Zhejiang Lab)

Jingzhi Fang (PhD student@Lingnan University, Hong Kong)

Mo Liu (PhD student@LORIA, France, now Postdoc @SYSU Zhuhai)

Yiting Wang (PhD student@PKU)

Kaiyang Lin (public servant@Jiaxing City)

Haoyu Wang (PhD student@PKU)

Bo Hong (PhD@PKU) Best student paper award of LORI 23

Dekun Zeng (Game Designer@a company)


Ph.D. students:

Jie Fan (exchange@LORIA-Nancy, France, now Asso. Prof.@University of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Best paper award of ICLA 15

Yanjun Li (University of Groningen, now Asso. Prof.@Nankai University)

Jixin Liu (exchange @UC Berkeley, now Asso. Prof@Sichuan University)

Yu Wei (exchange@ILLC, now AP@East China Normal University)

Xun Wang (Postdoc@MUC, now AP@MUC), Best student paper award of LORI 21

Xiaoyang Wang (Postdoc @BNU)

Yiting Wang

Haoyu Wang

Yunsong Wang

Bin Liu



Students at all levels are welcome to work with me.


1 必须上过我的高级模态逻辑且得到较好成绩。

2 原则上我定题目。

3 研究兴趣我不熟悉的、未尽全力无法执行论文计划的、混学位的我无法指导。

4 请对自己的未来负责。