知识的逻辑(2020 秋季) Epistemic Logic
教师:王彦晶, 时间:每周三 7-9节 地点:地学楼106
12 月 30 日第十四次课
小论文请参照之前发过的论文格式,提交截止日期 1 月 17 日,直接发送老师信箱。
12月23日第十三次课 (Slides)
12月16日第十二次课 (Slides1,Slides2) 相关文献:
- Chao Xu, Yanjing Wang, Thomas Studer: A Logic of Knowing Why, Synthese 2019 Online first
- Hintikka, J., & Halonen, I. (1995). Semantics and Pragmatics for Why-Questions. The Journal of Philosophy, 92(12), 636–657. 看 Hintikka 利用插值定理讨论 question why 的结果
- Artemov, S. (2008). The Logic of Justification. Review of Symbolic Logic.
- Yanjing Wang, Jeremy Seligman: When Names Are Not Commonly Known: Epistemic Logic with Assignments in AiML2018 利用 term modality 和 assignment operator 处理 de re / de dicto 的 reading
- Maria Aloni: Knowing-who in quantified epistemic logic, Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game-Theoretical Semantics, Springer 2108
- Maria Aloni. Quantification under Conceptual Covers. PhD thesis University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2001. 用技术方式处理不同的 reading
- Fitting, M., Thalmann, L., & Voronkov, A. (2001). Term-modal logics. Studia Logica, 69(1), 133–169.
- Barteld Kooi (2007): Dynamic term modal logic. LORI 2007
- Lars Thalmann (2000): Term-Modal Logic and Quantifier-free Dynamic Logic. PhD Thesis, Uppsala University
- Orlandelli, E., & Corsi, G. (2018). Decidable Term-Modal Logics (pp. 147–162). Springer
- Nicholas Pischke: Dynamic extensions for the logic of knowing why with public announcements of formulas
12月9日第十一次课 (Slides)
- Gochet, P.: An open problem in the logic of knowing how. In Hintikka, J., ed.: Open Problems in Epistemology. The Philosophical Society of Finland (2013) 一个早期相关文献的综述加分类
- Ågotnes, T., Goranko, V., Jamroga, W., Wooldridge, M.: Knowledge and ability. In van Ditmarsch, H., Halpern, J., van der Hoek, W., Kooi, B., eds.: Handbook of Epistemic Logic. College Publications (2015) 543–589 ATL 传统的 epistemic logic 的综述
- Yanjing Wang: A logic of goal-directed knowing how, in Synthese 195 (10): 4419–4439 know how逻辑的第一篇文章(基于 LORI15 的会议文章)
- Raul Fervari, Andreas Herzig, Yanjun Li, Yanjing Wang: Strategically knowing how. IJCAI 2017: 1031-1038 基于 strategy 的 know how 逻辑
- Yanjun Li, Yanjing Wang: Achieving While Maintaining: A Logic of Knowing How with Intermediate Constraints. ICLA 2017: 154-167 有中间约束的
- Yanjun Li: Stopping Means Achieving: A Weaker Logic of Knowing How, Studies in Logic 9 (4): 34-54 2016 走哪算哪的
- Xun Wang: A Logic of Knowing How with Skippable Plans. LORI 2019: 413-424 修复 composition axiom 的文章
- Yanjun Li: Knowing what to do A logical approach to planning and knowing how. PhD Thesis Groningen University 2017
- Pavel Naumov, Jia Tao: Together We Know How to Achieve: An Epistemic Logic of Know-How. Artificial Intelligence 2017 用 distributed knowledge 的角度做的多主体单步 know how
- Pavel Naumov, Jia Tao: Strategic Coalitions With Perfect Recall. AAAI 2018
- Pavel Naumov, Jia Tao: Coalition Power in Epistemic Transition Systems. AAMAS 2017: 723-731
- Jan Broersen: Making a Start with the stit Logic Analysis of Intentional Action. Journal of Philosophical Logic (2011) 40:499–530
- Yanjing Wang: Representing Imperfect Information of Procedures with Hyper Models. in Proceedings of ICLA 2015: 218-231. Springer.
- Yanjun Li, Quan Yu, Yanjing Wang: More for free: a dynamic epistemic framework for conformant planning over transition systems, in Journal of Logic and Computation, 27(8): 2383–2410 2017
- Tszyuen Lau and Yanjing Wang: Knowing your ability The Philosophical Forum 47(3-4)415-423, Wiley-Blackwell 相关的哲学讨论
- About discussion between intellectualism and anti-intellectualism see this Philpaper page (edited by Bengson)
12月2日第十次课 (Slides)
- Jan Plaza: Logics of public communications. In Proceedings of the 4th ISMIS Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, pp. 201–216. (1989)
- Xiwen Ma, Weide Guo: W-JS: A modal logic of knowledge in Proceedings of IJCAI83 关于马希文
- H. van Ditmarsch. Comments to ’logics of public communications’. Synthese, 158(2):181– 187, 2007.
- Yanjing Wang, Jie Fan: Knowing that, Knowing what, and Public Communication: Public Announcement Logic with Kv Operators, in Proceedings of IJCAI 2013: 1147-1154. AAAI press.
- Yanjing Wang, Jie Fan: Conditionally knowing what, in Advances in Modal Logic Vol. 10: 569-587 (2014), College Publications
- Tao Gu, Yanjing Wang: “Knowing value” logic as a normal modal logic. in Advances in Modal Logic Vol. 11:362-381, College Publications
- Jan van Eijck, Malvin Gattinger, Yanjing Wang: Knowing Values and Public Inspection. ICLA 2017: 77-90 Springer
- Alexandru Baltag: To know is to know the value of a variable.in Advances in Modal Logic Vol. 11, College Publications
- Yifeng Ding: The axiomatization and complexity of Knowing-What-Logic on model class K, Epistemic Logic with Functional Dependency Operator Studies in Logic
- F. Dechesne, Y. Wang: To know or not to know: epistemic approaches to security protocol verification. Synthese 177(S1): 51-76 (2010), Springer
- Jixin Liu, Yanjing Wang & Yifeng Ding: Weakly Aggregative Modal Logic: Characterization and Interpolation LORI 19 (对角线算子的模型论性质)
11月25日第九次课 (Slides)
- Hart, S., Heifetz, A., & Samet, D.: Knowing whether, knowing that, and the cardinality of state spaces. Journal of Economic Theory, 70(1), 249–256. (1996) 关于用 knowing whether 构造不可数多个 knowledge states
- 关于knowledge的状态的基数 的各种讨论,请参见这个slides
- W. van der Hoek and A. Lomuscio: A logic for ignorance. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 85(2)(2):117-133, 2004. 关于无知的逻辑。
- J. Fan, Y. Wang and H. van Ditmarsch: Contingency and knowing whether, in Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):75-107 (2015), Cambridge University Press 我们的文章,里面有和noncontingency logic 过去六十年结果的综述和比较。
- J. Fan, Y. Wang and H. van Ditmarsch: Almost necessary, in Advances in Modal Logic Vol. 10: 178-197 (2014), College Publications 我们提出 NCL 互模拟的文章。
- J. Fan, H. van Ditmarsch: Neighborhood Contingency Logic. in Proceedings of ICLA 2015: 88-99 极小的NCL 逻辑
- 范杰 《非偶然算子的逻辑研究》 博士论文 北京大学 2015 (Logical Studies for Non-contingency Operator PhD thesis of Jie Fan , in Chinese) 其他论文见范杰主页 范杰博士论文里有互模拟的传递性证明。
- 基于苏兴池硕士论文Commonly knowing whether的草稿。
- M. Aloni, P. Égré, Tikitu de Jager: Knowing whether A or B. Synthese 190(14): 2595-2621 (2013)
11月18日第八次课 (Slides)
- Hintikka, J., Hintikka, M.: Reasoning about knowledge in philosophy: The paradigm of epistemic logic. In: The Logic of Epistemology and the Epistemology of Logic. Volume 200 of Synthese Library. Springer Netherlands (1989) 17–35
- Hintikka, J. (2003). A Second Generation Epistemic Logic and its General Significance. In V. F. Hendricks, K. F. Jørgensen, & S. A. Pedersen (Eds.), Knowledge Contributors (pp. 33–55). Springer. (用 IF logic 的思想处理二阶的量化)
- Yanjing Wang: Beyond knowing that: a new generation of epistemic logic (arXiv) in Jaakko Hintikka on knowledge and game theoretical semantics: 499-533. Springer (See the section about Hintikka’s contributions and the references therein)
- Gochet P, Gribomont P (2006) Epistemic logic. In: Gabbay DM, Woods J (eds) Handbook of the History of Logic, vol 7
11 月 3 日第七次课(Slides)
见 Slides 后的参考文献及以下延伸阅读:
- Yanjing Wang, Yanjun Li (2012): Not all those who wander are lost: dynamic epistemic reasoning in navigation, Advances in Modal Logic vol 9: 559-580
- Yanjun Li, Quan Yu, Yanjing Wang (2018): More for Free: A Dynamic Epistemic Framework for Conformant Planning over Transition Systems in Journal of Logic and Computation: 27(8):2383–2410
- Alexandru Baltag, Lawrence S. Moss, Slawomir Solecki: The Logic of Public Announcements and Common Knowledge and Private Suspicions. TARK 1998: 43-56 引入event model 的文章,也解决了 PAL 带 Common Knowledge 的公理化
- Alexandru Baltag, Lawrence S. Moss: Logics for Epistemic Programs. Synthese 139(2): 165-224 (2004) 上面 “BMS”文章的期刊版
- Johan van Benthem, Jan van Eijck, and Barteld Kooi (2006). Logics of communication and change. Information and Computation, 204(11):1620–1662. EPDL 上加上 event update,找到相应的规约公理
- 程莹莹:社会网络信息传递模式的知识逻辑建模 北京大学硕士论文
11 月 4 日 第六次课 (Slides)
- Yanjing Wang, Qinxiang Cao: On axiomatizations of public announcement logic. Synthese 190(S1): 103-134 (2013) 课上讲的两个问题的回答。
- Johan van Benthem, Jelle Gerbrandy, Tomohiro Hoshi, Eric Pacuit: Merging Frameworks for Interaction. Journal of Philosophical Logic 38(5): 491-526 (2009) 用反复更新生成ETL-like森林,刻画其性质。
- Yanjing Wang, Guillaume Aucher: An Alternative Axiomatization of DEL and Its Applications. IJCAI 2013: 1139-1146 不用 reduction 做更一般的 DEL。
- Yanjing Wang: Book Review of Logical Dynamics of Information and Interaction by van Benthem. Studia Logica 102(3): 647-654 (2014) 关于 JvB 书的 guide。
10月28日 第五次课(Slides)
10 月 21 日第四次课(Slides)
- Wesley Holliday Epistemic Logic and Epistemology, Handbook of Formal Philosophy, Springer 一些知识逻辑和知识论的联系
- Wolfgang Lenzen Epistemic Logic, In: I. Niniiluoto, M. Sintonen & J. Wolenski (eds.), Handbook of Epistemology, Dordrecht (Kluwer), 2004, 963-983. Lenzen 关于自省公理的讨论
- Fitch paradox
- Robert Stalnaker: On Logics of Knowledge and Belief Philosophical Studies 128(1):169-199 2006 K 和 B 合并的系统
- Denis Bonnay, Paul Égré: Inexact Knowledge with Introspection. J. Philosophical Logic 38(2): 179-227 (2009) 要 5 公理但不要传递性的有意思的语义
- J. Halpern, R. Pucella, Dealing with logical omniscience: Expressiveness and pragmatics, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 175(1), 2011, Pages 220-235 关于逻辑全知性问题几种进路的综述和比较
- Yang Liu: Two Tales of Epistemic Models. Thought, 2019 关于模型的内外视角
- Guillaume Aucher: An Internal Version of Epistemic Logic. Studia Logica 94(1): 1-22 (2010) 关于模型的内外视角
- Jon Barwise Three views of common knowledge Proceeding TARK ’88 365-379 (1988) 几种不同的 common knowledge 的定义
- Floris Roelofsen: Distributed knowledge. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17(2): 255-273 (2007) 如何调和distributed knowledge 的不同定义
- About the KK principle
- Kit Fine: Propositional Quantifier in Modal Logic
- 关于带 Common Knowledge 和 Distributed Knowledge的知识逻辑的完全性可以参考Reasoning about knowledge 一书3.3和 3.4 节
Lecture 2 (9月 30 日,Slides)
课上我们简单回顾了 epistemic logic 发展早期的历史。相关参考文献:
- Ivan Boh Four Phases of Medieval Epistemic Logic, Theoria 66 (2):129-144 (2000)
- R.Aumann Agreeing to Disagree The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 4, No. 6. (1976), pp. 1236-1239 A survey(里面有很直观的例子) of its impacts.
- R.Aumann Interactive epistemology I: Knowledge, International Journal of Game Theory (1999) 28:263-300
- J. McCarthy, M. Sato, T. Hayashi and S. Igarashi: On the Model Theory of Knowledge Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Memo A1M-312 (1978)
- X. Ma and W. Guo, 1983, W-JS: A modal logic of knowledge Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.pp. 398–401.
- 马希文,“有关‘知道’的逻辑问题的形式化”《哲学研究》,1981年第05卷,第30–38页
- 马希文,郭维德,“W-JS有关‘知道’的模态逻辑”《计算机研究与发展》1982年第12卷,第1–12页
- Tenure 后吃掉自己脑子的海鞘 TED 报告
- IF Logic
- Natural Logic
- Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever,我们的文章
- Modal Syllogisms
- Hintikka Set
- 关于 Hintikka 的逻辑贡献
- 关于濠梁之辩与moore句的文章
- J.Halpern, Y.Moses Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment Journal of the ACM 37(3) pp. 549-587 (1990)
Lecture 1(9月 23 日)
9月23日第一次课 导言(Slides,课程介绍)
请阅读如下博士论文的2-3章关于epistemic logic发展的部分,我们之后会梳理知识逻辑最原初的思想脉络:
Ren-June Wang: Timed Modal Epistemic Logic. PhD thesis, City University of New York (2011)
知识逻辑(Epistemic Logic)起源于哲学中对知识概念及其推理的分析,后广泛应用于理论计算机科学、人工智能、以及博弈论等各相关学科中对于知识的刻画和推理。传统的知识逻辑集中处理“知道如是”(knowing that)的逻辑并取得了较为丰富的结果。然而日常生活中的知识陈述除了”知道如是“以外还有很多种,比如“知道如何”(knowing how)、“知道为何”(knowing why)、”知道什么“(knowing what)等等。这些知识的概念和推理规则是否与传统的”知道如是“类似?在逻辑上应该如何刻画?有何有趣的技术问题及解决方案?本课将梳理知识逻辑的哲学及技术发展,特别突出前述非经典知识逻辑的最新技术结果。
- 知识储备:知道知识逻辑这个领域中的思想基础,主要分支、重要问题和基本结果。
- 逻辑技能:掌握一些非正规的模态逻辑的公理化以及刻画表达力的技术。
- 学术技能:熟练阅读英文文献(精读),能自主发现问题,能熟练使用相关信息化工具收集跟踪文献,能用LaTeX写作合乎规范的学术文章并做学术报告。
- 态度培养:开放且审慎的心态,不盲从迷信权威,不畏惧复杂问题,忍受做研究过程中的挫折感与不确定性,逐渐形成学术品位,遵守学术伦理做真诚的探究。
教学材料(Course material):
以课堂幻灯片及相关文献为主 经典知识逻辑部分的参考书:
- Fagin, R., Halpern J., Moses, Y., and Vardi, M.: Reasoning about knowledge The MIT Press 1995
- van Ditmarsch, H., Halpern, J., van der Hoek, W., and Kooi B., eds: Handbook of Epistemic Logic College Publications 2015
- van Ditmarsch, H., van der Hoek, W., and Kooi, B. (2007): Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Springer
- van Benthem, J. (2011): Logical Dynamics of Information and Interaction
Office hours:
办公室:哲学系2号楼139 周四下午4 pm – 6 pm(请提前预约)。